• 100 W Hospitality Ln, San Bernardino, CA 92408
  • (909) 381 - 3706
  • OPEN 8am - 9pm DAILY
  • 100 W Hospitality Ln, San Bernardino, CA 92408
  • (909) 381 - 3706
  • OPEN 8am - 9pm DAILY
  • 100 W Hospitality Ln, San Bernardino, CA 92408
  • (909) 381 - 3706
  • OPEN 8am - 9pm DAILY
  • 100 W Hospitality Ln, San Bernardino, CA 92408
  • (909) 381 - 3706
  • OPEN 8am - 9pm DAILY

Frequently Asked Questions

It’s great to understand the difference between the cannabinoids THC and CBD. Not understanding the difference can give an undesired outcome. The most notable difference between CBD and THC is the lack of psychoactive effects for CBD, which does not typically cause the characteristic marijuana high of THC. They both have benefits outside of recreation. THC and CBD both have medical benefits.


Psychoactive, Insomnia, Muscle Spasticity, Low Appetite, Glaucoma, Pain Management, Headaches


Non-Psychoactive, Migraines, Inflammation, Depression, Seizures, Anti-Anxiety, Psychosis

Terpenes are the unspoken giants in cannabis plants. Most people pay attention to THC and CBD levels only, but Terpenes reveal what type of power your strain will have. Terpenes are what you smell when you inhale your cannabis. Terpenes can also be found in non cannabis plants and flowers. Some animals carry Terpenes as well. Understanding the aroma of Terpenes will deepen your appreciation of cannabis, as well as help you understand the effects of different strains. There are more than 200 Terpenes found in the cannabis plant. However you have about 10-12 main Terpenes that are common in locally grown cannabis plants. Below you  can find information to help you understand


Smell: Sweet, Sharp, Pine

Effects: Memory retention, Alertness

Source: Pine needles, Conifers, Sage

Benefits: Anti-inflammatory, Local antiseptic, expectorant, Bronchodilator


Smell: Musk, Cloves, Herbal, Citrus

Effects: Sedating, Relaxing, Enhances THC’s Psycho-activity

Source: Mango, Thyme, Citrus, Lemongrass, Bay Leaves

Benefits: Antiseptic, Anti Bacterial, Anti-fungal


Smell: Citrus, Lemon, Orange

Effects: Elevated mood, Stress Relief

Source: Citrus rinds, Juniper, Peppermint

Benefits: Anti-depressant, Anti-anxiety, Gastric reflux, anti-fungal


Smell: Floral, Citrus, Spice

Effects: Sedating, Calming

Source: Lavender, Citrus, Laurel Birch, Rosewood

Benefits: Anti-anxiety, Stress, Anti Depression, relieves insomnia


Smell: Sweet, Herbal

Effects: No detectable psychological effects

Source: Basil

Benefits: Anti-inflammatory, Antimicrobial


Smell: No Odor

Effects: Relaxing, Calming

Source: Ginger, Jasmine, Lavender, Tea tree, Lemongrass

Benefits: Anti-fungal, Anti-oxidant, Anti-microbial


Smell: Sweet, Herbal, Piney

Effects: Central Nervous system depressant, sedation, anxiety relief

Source: Basil

Benefits: Anti-inflammatory, Anti-microbial, Antioxidant


Smell: Woody, Fresh Bark, Floral, Fruity, Citrus, Apples and roses.

Effects: Sedating, Calming

Source: Ginger, Jasmine, Lavender, Tea Tree, Lemongrass

Benefits: Expectorant, bronchodilator, Anti-inflammatory


Smell: Pepper, Wood, Spice

Effects: No detectable psychological effects

Source: Pepper, Cloves, Hops, Basil, Oregano

Benefits: Anti-inflammatory, Insomnia, Pain, Spasms, Antioxidant


Smell: Floral, Fruity, Passion

Effects: Elevated mood, Stress Relief

Source: Geraniums, Lavender

Benefits: Anti-inflammatory, Antibacterial, Neuroprotectant, anti-fungal

are you 21 years old?

are you 18 years old with medical rec/card?